Vitthal Bhai Jhaverbhai Patel was born on September 27, 1871 in Karamsad village, Gujarat. He was the third of five brothers and was four years older than Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Your initial education was initiated in Karamsad and Nadiad.
Born : –  27 September 1873, Nadiad, Gujarat
Death : –  October 22, 1933, Geneva
Work : –  Freedom Fighter, Legislator
Vitthalbhai Patel was the elder brother of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a prominent leader of the freedom movement, legislator and iron man. He also became a member of the Central Assembly and later the Speaker. Leaving Congress, he also founded the ‘Swaraj Party’.
After becoming a barrister from England, he had made a good mark in the legal profession, but soon joined the national independence movement. Vitthal Bhai Patel was also an excellent speaker. He was known as a fierce leader within the Congress Party.
He and Gandhiji had very different views, which is why they had differences on many issues.

Early Life : –

Vitthal Bhai Jhaverbhai Patel was born on September 27, 1871 in Karamsad village, Gujarat. He was the third of five brothers and was four years older than Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Your initial education was initiated in Karamsad and Nadiad.

He also studied in Mumbai. After this he started working as a junior advocate in the courts of Godhra and Borsad. His dream was to go to England and become a barrister. He was married at a very young age.

His younger brother vallabh Bhai Patel was also working as a junior advocate after studying law with hard work and self-study and he also wanted to go to England to become a barrister, but in respect of his elder brother, he gave him the money he had collected and in England Bittal’s living expenses were also taken.

Thus Vitthal Bhai Patel went to England to become a barrister.

Carrier : –

Upon reaching England, Vitthal Bhai enrolled for law and completed the 36-month course in 30 months and stood first in his class.  In 1913, he returned to Gujarat and practiced in the courts of Bombay and Ahmedabad.

Soon the Vitthal brothers became a respected and important barrister and also earned substantial money.  He had gained a lot of fame in a short period of time, but in the meantime a tragic incident occurred in his personal life.

his wife went to the other world in 1915, leaving Vitthal bhai a great shock.

Political life : –

After his wife’s death, Vitthal Bhai’s interest in social and political work grew. Although he never fully agreed with Mahatma Gandhi’s political philosophy, principles and leadership, he joined the Indian National Congress to contribute to the independence of the country.

Although he did not have a large penetration among the masses, through his warm and logical speeches and articles, he caught the attention of the people.

He actively participated in the Non-Cooperation Movement but when Gandhiji withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement after the Chauri-Chaura scandal, Vitthalbhai Patel resigned from the Congress and in collaboration with Chittaranjan Das and Motilal Nehru, ‘Swaraj ‘Party established.

The main objective of the Swaraj Party was to enter the legislative councils and disrupt the functioning of the government. The Swaraj Party created a rift within the Congress but could not be very successful in its goals.

Vitthal Bhai was elected to the Bombay Legislative Council where he did not get an opportunity to do any work related to the independence of the country, but through his speeches and eloquence he attacked the policies of the English authorities and the government.

He was elected to the Central Legislative Council in 1923 and became its President in 1925. His fair and bold ideology left an indelible mark on his personality.

Vitthal Bhai was a scholar of parliamentary law legislations, due to which all parties in the House respected and respected him and his scholarly system was accepted by all.

As the Speaker of the Central Legislative Assembly, he earned a reputation not only in India but also abroad. Due to his subtle knowledge related to law, he had also put the then government in trouble many times.

On the basis of the high ideals that Vitthal Bhai presented during the presidency of the Central Legislative Assembly, it can be said that he was leading his predecessors in this matter.

During the Meerut Conspiracy Case, he gave an opinion to the Government that either the ‘Security Bill’ should be postponed or else the Government should take up the Meerut Conspiracy Case, but when the government did not agree to this, he exercised his privilege when the Security Bill was introduced. Disqualified while doing.

In 1930, when the Congress Party called for a boycott of the Legislative Assemblies, Vitthal Bhai resigned from the chairmanship of the Central Legislative Assembly. He said – In this battle of independence, my proper place is not in the chair of the Legislative Assembly but in the battle field.

When the Congress gave the slogan of ‘Purna Swaraj’, the Vitthal brothers rejoined the Congress, but in 1930, the English government along with the members of the Congress Working Committee arrested them and put them in jail.

His health in the jail deteriorated due to which he was released in 1931 before completion of his term. He then moved to Europe for recovery.

Death : –

After his release from prison, the Vitthal brothers moved to the Austrian city of Vienna for treatment. There he met Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, who himself had also gone there for health benefits.

Netaji’s health was improving, but Vitthal’s health deteriorated and he died on 22 October 1933 in Geneva (Switzerland). He was cremated on 10 November 1933 in Bombay.

Time Line (Life Events) : –

1873: Born.
1913: Returned to India as a barrister from England.
1915: Wife died.
1922: Leaving Congress and founded ‘Swaraj’ party.
1923: Elected to the Central Legislative Assembly.
1925: Was elected President of the Central Legislative Assembly.
1930: Resigned from the post of Central Legislative Assembly Speaker, rejoined Congress, arrested by Government.
1931: Discharged from prison due to poor health and went to Europe for treatment.
1933: Met Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in Vienna.
1933: died in Geneva on 22 October.


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